Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eating off the land

Today I had my breakfast in my yard, yes I guess you could say I went out to eat. One great thing about this breakfast is it was free, and healthy! I am learning and teaching how to identify wild edible plants. You should too!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Study and Learn all the wild edible plants

After you have studied out the wild edible plants and have someone who knows what they are doing show you how to find them it is time to prepare your body to get used to them. Practice identifying edible and poisonous plants. Never eat a poisonous plant. When you know for sure what you have and are able to identify edible plants eat some. Get your body used to eating off the land. One way to start is find dandelions. You can easily identify dandelions and they are great for your body. You can also dry out the dandelion root and make a dandelion tea, or coffee. Don't wait until you have to escape to the woods and bring your wild edible plant book to try and identify what you can consume. Start today, go on a hike and start recognizing different plants that are beneficial to you.