Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ginseng Hunting

We took a field trip out to the woods to do some ginseng hunting. The woods was so dry that we did not find much. Found some yellow root just in time, it was starting to die out too. At least we should have enough yellow root for the winter. Another thing we found that we didn't want to find was chiggers. OUCH! Those are just awful. I was up scratching my legs and trying to get some relief so I could get to sleep. I took a good shower and that helped. The next night started itching again so I tried rubbing alcohol and Calamine lotion then I finally got some relief. I was able to get some sleep. Next time we even go anywhere near the woods I am going to use bug repellent.

Monday, September 20, 2010

September Harvest

It's that time to start gathering nuts for the winter. I have been busy getting hickory nuts and walnuts to add to our food storage for the winter. If you can get out in the woods be sure to pick up some nuts to add to your winter diet.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Medical Supplies

Take a quick look inside your bugout bag and make sure you have some medical supplies if needed. Band aids,neosporin,cough drops,vit.c,garlic,yellow root,tea tree oil, and vinegar just to name a few. You don't want to die over something that can be prevented easily by having some antibiotic cream on hand. Better yet, study out what plants you can use once your supply is exhausted in case you have to survive in the wilderness for a long time. You never know what tomorrow may bring so be prepared today.